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Friday, May 27, 2016

Piece by piece

Piece by piece

Piece by piece, the chisel takes my flesh
Piece by piece
My heart, my soul
Piece by piece
I am losing myself
I stare into my mind and see myself full of holes
It chips and takes more
I see around me, rest, life and fullness
Piece by piece for the gain
I see less of me
While they grow

Heather Smith May 27, 2016

Been a long time

Wow, well here I am. It has been a long time since I have been on here.

My older blogs, I was having a good head shake at my grammar and writing style. I would like to think, it is much better now. 

Well, during my extreme hiatus, I have gone to college and attained my Certificate for MOA. Even though my job isn't in the medical field, I work with the Metropolitan Regional Housing Authority. Also to add, I am now in another relationship that is now in its 5th year. Yes, it is better.

I am now a grandmother to 3 lovely grandchildren and a mommy to a furbaby, which is an Amstaff/Shepard mix, who is very content on my couch for the night. All snuggled with his puppy blanket. Ha-Ha

My man is sleeping in his chair, and I don't know how he does it. I need to be spread out as much as possible laying flat. Awwww, he looks so cute! ;)

Pheww, I suddenly became very warm. I have had a headache for a few hours also, not sure if it is my age or a flu is coming on. Not sure which is better? ;)

Well, I may stay and just write for myself. Doesn't matter if anyone doesn't read and if anyone does, that is OK too.

Peace and love,
